We’re a team of enthusiastic optimists, relentless builders, and kind people comprising entrepreneurs, doctors, therapists, engineers, lawyers, writers, and professionals who share a commitment to helping others thrive, succeed, and find joy.
Cori Sue is the founder & CEO of Retreat. She’s a 3X entrepreneur, having started, scaled, and sold a media company, Bitches Who Brunch, and a marketing agency. She loves empowering people to achieve their full potentials, strong women, microdosing, and helping others. Cori holds an M.A. in International Relations from the George Washington University and a B.A. in journalism from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Ana Maria Badila's journey into the world of psychedelics and microdosing is one of profound healing and self-realization. Through these experiences, she found joy, meaning for her life, and a connection to her authentic nature. Ana Maria's commitment to the world of psychedelics extends far beyond her personal journey and she is more than just an explorer; she's a guide and mentor, leading people back to their true nature. Her mission is to educate individuals about the immense potential of psychedelics and offer practical tools that can be instrumental in their journeys of self-discovery.
Aniko is a psychedelic therapist with an MSW from Columbia University School of Social Work. She has been facilitating sound ceremonies for over 5 years for over a thousand clients. She is a meditation teacher and holds space for clients working in non-ordinary states by creating a safe set and setting through the use of over-tone rich instruments, the natural harmonic scale, breathwork and sound. She trained with Polaris Insight Center for Ketamine-Assisted Therapy, completed her fieldwork at MAPS and also worked for Horizons PBC. She specializes in grief, breakups, and life transitions.
Anj Ahearn is a healthcare attorney focused on increasing access to traditional and non-traditional treatments to patients through technology. Anj has her M.P.H. from Boston University and earned her law degree from Northeastern. A east coast native, she now lives with her family in the Bay Area.
Sonam is an advisor, professor and coach in the mental health and wellness community in Miami Beach. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology through the California Institute of Integral Studies and is passionate about alternative healing modalities and spiritual awakening.
As a lawyer, entrepreneur, and community builder, Peter is dedicated to the creation and refinement of projects that serve the greater good. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame and of the University of Colorado Law School, Peter now lives in Santa Fe and is continually excited about the next big thing.
Gareth is an attorney and advisor who previously served in senior roles in New York state government managing complex regulatory and policy issues, and currently provides legal and strategic advice to early stage companies and is an adjunct professor at the City College of New York. He holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School.